Kombinatorikus geometria előadás,
2011-2012 tavasz, ELTE 3-607, csütörtök 10.15-11.45.
Pach János, Tóth Géza

Ajánlott olvasmány:

Pach-Agarwal: Combinatorial Geometry

Denton Lectures (Geometric Graph Theory)

Koebe tétel (Pach-Agarwal könyv alapján). Más bizonyítás: Lovász: Gráfok geometriai reprezentációja jegyzet

Lipton-Tarjan szeparátor tétel

N. Alon, P. D. Seymour, R. Thomas: Planar separators, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 7 (1994), 184-193. pdf

N. Alon, P. D. Seymour and R. Thomas, A separator theorem for graphs with an excluded minor and its applications, Proc. 22nd annual ACM Symp. on the Theory of Computing (STOC), Baltimore, Maryland, 1990, ACM Press, 293-299. pdf

Bisection width

J. Pach, F. Shahrokhi, M. Szegedy: Applications of the crossing number, Algorithmica 16 (1996), 111-117. pdf

R. J. Lipton, D. J. Rose, R. E. Tarjan: Generalized Nested Dissection, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 16 (1979), 346-358. pdf

Metszési szám

R. B. Richter, C. Thomassen: Relations Between Crossing Numbers of Complete and Complete Bipartite Graphs, American Mathematical Monthly 104 (1997), 131-137. pdf

J. Pach, J. Spencer, G. Tóth: New bounds for crossing numbers, Discrete and Computational Geometry 24 (2000), 623-644. pdf

J. Pach, J. Törőcsik: Some geometric applications of Dilworth's theorem, Discrete and Computational Geometry 12 (1994), 1-7. pdf

G. Tóth: Note on geometric graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 89 (2000), 126-132. pdf

A k-halmaz probléma

P. Erdős, L. Lovász, G.J. Simmons, E.G. Strauss: Dissection graphs of planar point sets, in: A Survey of Comb. Theory (ed. S. Srivastava), Springer (1973), 139-149. pdf

H. Edelsbrunner, E. Welzl: On the number of line separations of a finite set in the plane, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 38 (1985), 15-29. pdf

T. K. Dey: Improved bounds for planar $k$-sets and related problems, Discrete and Computational Geometry} 19 (1998), 373-382. pdf

G. Tóth: Point sets with many k-sets, Discrete and Computational Geometry 26 (2001), 187-194. pdf

J. Pach, W. Steiger, E. Szemerédi: An upper bound on the number of planar k-sets, Discrete Comput. Geom. 7 (1992), 109-123.

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Elsősorban: Pach-Agarwal: Combinatorial Geometry

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