A1. Truth functions and the problem of their realization by two-terminal graphs. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1968. MR 39:3903; Zbl 155:20.

A2. The behaviour and simplicity of finite Moore automata. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1996. MR 98h:68170; Zbl 866:68066.


B1. On the definitions of direct product in universal algebra. Publicationes Mathematicae 6 (1959); 303-310. MR 22: 2571; Zbl 115:12.

B2. Zur Theorie der Wahrheitsfunktionen. Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 21 (1960), 47-52. MR 22:9439; Zbl 91:8.

B3. On graphs in which two vertices are distinguished. Acta Mathematica Acad. Sci. Hungar. 12 (1961), 377-397. MR 25:4968; Zbl 105:355.

B4. Über die monotone Superposition der Wahrheitsfunktionen. Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 23 (1962), 18-37. MR 26: 3584; Zbl 106:237.

B5. (with K. Čulík and G. Pollák) Ein Satz über teilweise gerichtete Graphen. Czechoslovak Math. Journal 13 (1963), 619-621. MR 29:2792; Zbl 117:174.

B6. The quasi-series decomposition of two-terminal graphs. Publicationes Mathematicae 10 (1963), 96-107. - Correction. Publicationes Mathematicae 14 (1967), 415-416. MR 30:3802, 37:1270; Zbl 121:401, 165:575.

B7. Bemerkungen zum graphentheoretischen Satze von I. Fidrich. Acta Mathematica Acad. Sci. Hungar. 16 (1965), 9-11. MR 32:7437; Zbl 196:562.

B8. (with G. Pollák) On the congruences of finitely generated free semigroups. Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 31 (1970), 259-278. MR 43:2131; Zbl 209:324.

B9. A description of the finite right-congruences of finitely generated free semigroups. Periodica Math. Hungar. 1 (1971), 135-144. MR 44:1751; Zbl 221:20075.

B10. The centrality of vertices in trees. Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 9 (1974), 285-303. MR 53:10626; Zbl 319:05101.

B11. An application of truth functions in formalized diagnostics. Acta Cybernetica 2 (1975), 291-298. MR 53:12756; Zbl 331:02004.

B12-B13. On graphs satisfying some conditions for cycles, I.-II. Acta Cybernetica 3 (1976-1977), 3-13, 69-78. MR 56:2866, 58:21767; Zbl 338:05106, 364:05025.

B14. On the question of description of the behaviour of finite automata. Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 13 (1978), 105-124. MR 83i:68079; Zbl 419:68089, 456:68060.

B15. On certain partitions of finite directed graphs and of finite automata. Acta Cybernetica 6 (1984), 331-346. MR 86e:05069; Zbl 554:05031.

B16. On the laxity of rooted trees with vertices of degree three. Publicationes Mathematicae 31 (1984), 197-208. MR 86h:05044; Zbl 565:05020.

B17. On the congruences of finite autonomous Moore automata. Acta Cybernetica 7 (1986), 259-279. MR 88d:68075; Zbl 611:68026.

B18. (with I. Babcsányi) Results and problems on strongly connected Moore automata. Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 29 (1994), 189-204. MR 95d:68098; Zbl 724:68057, 834:68081.

B19. (with F. Wettl) On two realizability questions concerning strongly connected automata. Publicationes Mathematicae 43 (1993), 9-21. MR 94j:68207; Zbl 805:68086.

B20. A criterion for the simplicity of finite Moore automata. Acta Cybernetica 10 (1992), 221-236. MR 94h:68159; Zbl 788:68101.

B21. On some algebraic properties of automata. Acta Cybernetica 15 (2001), 1-8. MR 2002f:68113; Zbl 1012:68109.

B22. (with M. Laczkovich) On cardinality questions concerning automaton mappings. Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 40 (2003), 71-82.

(open problems, survey articles, biographies)

C1. Problem 1. Theory of Graphs and its Applications (Proc. Symp. Smolenice, June 1963), Prague, 1964, p. 157.

C2. Problem 2. Theory of Graphs and its Applications (Proc. Symp. Smolenice, June 1963), Prague, 1964, p. 157.

C3. Research problem 2-10 (Isomorphism problem for a special class of graphs). J. Combinatorial Theory 2 (1967), 393.

C4. Gráfok és ciklusok (Graphs and cycles). Mat. Lapok 22 (1971), 269-282. MR 49:118; Zbl 257:05111.

C5. On some open problems of applied automaton theory and graph theory. Acta Cybernetica 3 (1977), 187-214. MR 57:5499; Zbl 374:94037.

C6. (with P. Dömösi) Kalmár László (László Kalmár). In the book series "Műszaki Nagyjaink", edited by the Gépipari Tudományos Egyesület (Scientific Society of Mechanical Engineers) vol. 6, Budapest, 1986; 47-89.

C7. (with K. Győry and A. Sárközy) The life and mathematics of Paul Erdős, Mathematica Japonica 46 (1997), 517-526.

C8. On some cyclic connectivity properties of directed graphs. Acta Cybernetica 14 (1999), 1-12. MR 2001c:05062; Zbl 980:05024.

C9. On some unsolved and solved problems in the theory of directed graphs, I (in Hungarian). Matematikai Lapok (new series) 15/1 (2009), 14-30.