Alexandru Popa (Bukarest): Pair correlation of hyperbolic lattice angles

Abstract: The statistics of spacings, such as the pair correlation or the gap distribution, measure the fine structure of sequences of real numbers, beyond the classical Weyl equidistribution. For sequences of interest in number theory, these statistics often reveal an unexpected structure, as evidenced by the well-known example of the gap distribution for the critical zeroes of the Riemann zeta function.

In this talk I will consider the sequence of angles formed by rays of the hyperbolic lattice, namely rays between a fixed point w in the upper half plane and images of w by elements in the modular group via fractional linear transformations. It is well known that the angles corresponding to lattice points in a ball centered at w become equidistributed as the radius of the ball increases, and we are interested in their pair correlation function. When w is one of the two elliptic points, we show that the pair correlation function exists and we find an explicit formula for it. I will sketch the proof of this formula, which uses estimates on the number of points in two dimensional regions based on bounds for Kloosterman sums. This is joint work with Florin Boca and Alexandru Zaharescu.